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ENCHANTED. An imaginative fairy-visted enchanted forest.
Fun and whimsical watercolor illustrations flowers, trees, animals, and of course, fairies.
Fairy Forest 1
Fairy Forest 1, India Ink (sepia) and aqua markers on watercolor paper, 6 in x 9 in, 2016.
Fairy Forest 2
Fairy Forest 2, India Ink (sepia) and aqua markers on watercolor paper, 6 in x 9 in, 2016.
Fairy Forest 3
Fairy Forest 3, India Ink (sepia) and aqua markers on watercolor paper, 6 in x 9 in, 2016.
Fairy Forest 4
Fairy Forest 4, India Ink (sepia) and aqua markers on watercolor paper, 6 in x 9 in, 2016.
Fairy-Visited Enchanted Forest
Fairy-Visited Enchanted Forest Series, Fairy Forest 1-4, aqua markers and India Ink (sepia) on watercolor paper, 6 in x 9 in each, 2016.
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